Kledingkast sessie

Farbberatung Munchen

Haal het beste uit je huidige garderobe door het werkbaar en overzichtelijk te maken.

Wat blijft er in – waar neem je afscheid van – en wat wil je nog toevoegen? 

Ik laat je zien wat je welke outfits je kan maken met de items die blijven. We zetten alle outfit combinaties op de foto, en ik laat je precies zien hoe je deze ook af kan stylen. 

Natuurlijk houd ik hierbij in gedachten wat er past bij jouw persoonlijke stijl, lifestyle en je uiterlijk. 

Aan het eind van de dag heb je een kast met overzicht, met items waar je helemaal blij mee bent, en je weet precies hoe je alles kan combineren.

Herken je dit?

capsule wardrobe
capsule wardrobe

Hoe zou het voor je zijn als?

Als we samen aan de slag gaan met je garderobe:

capsule wardrobe
capsule wardrobe

Kortom, weer verlief op je kast! 

Hoe regelen we dan die droom kast?

We first are going to get clear on you; what do you like, what does your lifestyle look like and what are your wardrobe needs. Creating a wardrobe is not only practical, it also needs definition on values. Because it needs to be in line with what is important in your life and what you want to express. We will have a style intake and some homework exercises for that.

Before I come over to create your capsule wardrobe with you, I will ask you to remove any clothes that do not fit anymore, are too outworn or just not comfortable enough. A good check is, would you mind going outside with it? And would you be comfortable too? All the rest can stay. 

We are going to select the wardrobe together based on your style moodboard and body type. 

1. Style intake

  • An online call of half an hour
  • Intake of your style preferences & your personal values.
  • Starting to work on the style moodboard

2. Optional Colour plan

I strongly recommend to get your unique colour plan before we create your capsule wardrobe.


When this is too much, but you want a general direction- I can offer a quick colour scan for 50€ 

3. Wardrobe edit

  • From 10 to 15 hr, in your wardrobe.
  • Creation of a whole lot of outfits & pictures!
  • Styling tricks to make the most of your outfit, and for your bodytype.
  • Edit of your wardrobe based on your (life)style 

4. Wrap-up

  • An online call, 20 min, 2 weeks after our wardrobe session.
  • Any other styling questions

The Goods 🙂

  • Summary of your most important body shape and styling tricks.
  • Outfit pictures from the wardrobe session including style notes.
  • Missing items list for shopping.

Optional shopping

If you like to get help with finding the missing items by shopping – we can always discuss the options for a personal shopping session.


497,-€ ex. BTW

capsule wardrobe
farbberatung München
capsule wardrobe

Altijd wat Ambitieus Aantrekkelijks om aan te trekken 😉


For yourself – put on some make up – and wear comfortable items that you like. You will be switching outfits a lot. So make sure you had enough to eat and drink before hand. During the session water and some snacks are nice. We can also put on some relaxing music. 

Go through your items beforehand, and make a shift – we are only working with items that you would go outside with and be comfortable in during your normal life. 

We will not work with clothes that are too small/too big/outworn or way to fancy for normal life. 

Make sure you washed everything, and we will work with both summer and winter collections to create one wardrobe for the coming season.

We will make outfits with your items, you will be wearing them, and we will make pairings on your bed (a large surface – better then the ground). So prep your bed with a uni coloured bedsheet or take the bed sheet of. 


Bring your shoes and accessories out too – so we can make complete sets. Even bags if you like!